Saturday, October 09, 2010


What is happiness? Can money and material wealth bring more happiness in our lives? Is there a formula or some mix of love, wealth, work, relationship and psychological adoption for a happy life? These are some of the questions peolple have been asking themselves in trying to answer that age old question; what is happiness? The purpose of life and the motion of life is always moving towards happiness. In every sphere of our life, everything we do be it work, Business, family, relationships, religion (all the promises of afterlife).etc, revolve around man’s insatiable and unquenchable desire to be bring happiness and to lead a happy life, What makes us happy, the pursuit of happiness, and how we can lead more fulfilling, satisfying lives. As evidence has shown, happy person is not one in a certain set of circumstances but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.

Have a positive attitude
One of the best acknowledged attributes to happiness is a positive attitude. Evidently, if you have a positive attitude, you'll find life easier than if you were miserable. Positive thinking improves the immune system and may even lead to longer life! This sounds great in theory, but the difficult part is how to put that into practice. In our world today which has become largely full of hustles and bustles of life, there’s clearly a need to start looking at our happiness and positive thinking in a different way. Though we will more often come across mountains of challenges in our day to day life, having a positive attitude will not necessarily make the mountain lower, but certainly makes the climbing easier. By developing a positive attitude, we are taking charge of your own ability to be happy by so doing; we will generally have a much healthier state of mind. How we react to issues is purely a question of attitude. I once listened to one time Vice chancellor of Nairobi University, Prof. Phillip Mbithi say that “The success of any institution is not in its lack of problems bur rather how best you handle those problems”

Surround your self with positive thinking people in your life and you’ll be happy. Having that ‘me time’ once in a while is good but studies show that happier people surround themselves with not only friends and family but also supportive relationships as well. When you surround yourself with inspired people, you become much like them. In his book entitled “Be inspired before you expire,” (Pepe Minambo) - motivational Speaker and Author, says that positive minded people are essentially inspired people. You be must be inspired to inspire others because no one can give what he does not have. If you’re not inspired, you are expired. “There’s nobody as dangerous as an expired person. Just like an expired drug in a drug store, so is an expired person. Keep off expired minds” (Pepe Minambo). Positive minded people are more inspired and by linking ourselves with inspired people, we are in essence tapping on their inspired way of thinking and doing things which lead to ourselves being inspired as well. According to the words of Henry Ford, “My best friend is the one who brings out the best out of me”. Surround yourself with inspired people and you are likely to be happier than ever before.

Positive attitude helps us to cope more easily with the daily hustles of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life be it family, social or carrier or business. Some of the benefits of a positive attitude include helping one in achieving goals and attaining success. Success is achieved faster and easier in an optimistic situation. Happiness generates a general wellbeing and invigorates both the body and the mind.
Others include greater inner power and strength. The ability to inspire and motivate yourself as well as others means fewer difficulties encountered along the way and the ability to surmount any difficulty. Positive attitude also diffuses stressful situations, and when the brain relaxes it is more creative and better at problem solving. When you smile at life, Life smiles back at you. Negative attitude says: you cannot achieve success. Positive attitude says: You can achieve success… (Remember President Obama’s campaign slogan Yes We Can!”)
If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure, difficulties, and general lack of happiness, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid of those negative thoughts. There’s a common saying that says that “a pessimist sees danger in every opportunity but an optimist sees opportunity in every danger”. Become optimistic and expect the best to happen, you’ll be a happier lot!

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