Saturday, November 13, 2010


Remember the old saying "all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy!"  Well, one of the most overlooked things that people can do to make themselves happier, More productive in Work Places and have long stress free life is to exercise regularly!
Vigorous regular exercise is a pretty good anti-depressant, and it just helps you feel better about yourself and your life overall.  This is one of those things that exercisers know, but relatively few therapists and doctors prescribe. This is probably because therapy is supposed to be about doing something mental (or chemical) to make you feel better, and exercise is so physical. It works because the mind and the body are one inter-connected thing and not separate entities. When you exercise regularly, you tone your body and metabolism, regulates stress hormones, and promotes the release of endorphins (Substances that your body naturally releases when you exercise). Even if you don't participate in strenuous athletics, you can also try various activities to increase your body's endorphin levels. Sex is also known to be a potent trigger for endorphin release. In addition to decreased feelings of pain, secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria, modulation of appetite, release of sex hormones, and enhancement of the immune response.
The current emphasis by health experts is strongly on healthy habits and on the need to develop a healthy lifestyle - and rightly so. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Health as being in "State of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO, 1946).
Research has shown Happiness and relaxation are greatly linked to exercise. Studies of reflexology and massage therapy have shown that both of these techniques can also stimulate endorphin secretion. For those busy workaholics especially those who have little or no time at all for the gym, here, the Blood Circulative massager (commonly abbreviated BCM) comes in handy. BCM is the most effective exercise device that I have ever come across and very easy to set up at Home. It is an excellent exercising device that presses all your reflex points and restores circulation of lymph  and blood as well as creating a general wellbeing, invigorates both the body and the mind. BCM has a remarkable massage effect, which relaxes the muscle and increases flexibility. BCM's effectiveness is based on the findings of years of research centered on:-
1.)Acupressure (Reflexology)
2.) Body's blood Circulation.
3.)Massage Therapy
This apparatus, a product of bio-medical engineering, is especially designed for people facing problem of high blood pressure and hypertensive headaches. BCM promotes blood circulation to remove obstruction in the channels; ample supply of blood to the body parts ensures their evident functioning. Clockwise circum-rotation makes a rapid blood circulation within the body, increasing blood supply for heart and brain, accelerating secretions and discharges, making body healthy and clean. It has been found that "Using this machine for only 15 minutes will be equivalent to 5kms of jogging" How wonderful!
So when you feel stressed, sad and under pressure then some little exercise can do the trick. With high endorphin levels, we feel less pain and fewer negative effects of stress, generate a general wellbeing and invigorate both the body and the mind. It is a natural way for the body to feel good. Be sure to exercise at regular times during the week, and you should find that you are happier as a result. When the brain relaxes it is more creative and better at problem solving!

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