Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Faith and Motivation to Accomplish Your Goals

I remembered the words of one renowned author …………………“The poorest person on Earth is a man without dreams and the most frustrated person on earth is a one whose dreams fail to materialize” (Rober Schuller.”A life that fails to fulfill its potential is a tragedy” so declared Dr.Myles Munroe, a world prominent preacher and a great motivational speaker. Who also said that “The greatest tragedy in life is not Death but LIFE itself…. Life without a purpose.”
And you know what? The richest place on the planet Earth is neither the Gold mines of South Africa, nor the Oil wells of the Arabian Gulf but it’s in the graveyard…..where all the ‘never exploited potential’ lies buried.
In motivating others not to give up someone once said,
He who loses money loses much…..
 He who loses a friend loses more…..
 But He who loses faith loses all.”
Have faith in God, have faith in your friends and last but not least…….have faith in yourself and you’ll go far. Remember the old saying “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re probably right”. I was told of a gentleman who had an un-usual habit of talking to himself. One day someone asked him why he loved talking to himself. The gentleman said, “I do it for 2 reasons- one I like talking to a smart guy and two- I like listening to a smart guy talk”. Do not cast away your confidence because it has a great recompense. Dear friend keep talking to yourself and keep telling yourself that you the best that God created. Remember “you’re fearfully and wonderfully made!"
Remember Just because you made a mistake in the past, does necessarily mean that you a mistake yourself. God created you an original, don’t die a photocopy. The world is like a stage and we are all actors… Never change your originality for the sake of others, because no one can play your role in the cast better than you. So be yourself, because whatever you are, YOU are the best. Know that the most important person in the world to you is YOU. Whatever you learn, whatever you see, whatever you do is important to YOU because it concerns YOU!
There’s saying that says “God gives every bird its food, but does not throw it into its nest.” Well, In Africa, a gazelle wakes up every morning knowing too well that it has to run faster than the fasted Lion or else it will not survive; On the other hand, the Lion wakes up in the morning knowing too well that it has to run faster than the slowest gazelle or else it will starve to death. He who wins the race after the end of it all is carries the day. Whether you are a Gazelle or a Lion, for heavens sake keep running. Success is failure turned inside out! Every one of us was born without anything and because you refused to quit you are already a WINNER (in your own right). Someone once said “a winner is a loser who refuses to quit”, because when you quit, you’re already a loser. Ever heard of the story of four lepers who sat somewhere starving until one of them suggested “let’s go to enemy camp ‘cause if we stay here, we’ll starve to death, if we go to the enemy camp they might kill us or let us live”. When they reached the enemy’s camp they found that the enemy had fled thinking that a ‘great army was coming after them’. They all fled leaving behind lots of foodstuffs and other goodies and the rest is History!
Remember my friend; defeat is not failure until you stop trying. Keep on keeping on. Dr. Martin Luther King said “If you can’t fly, ran if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then craw, but whatever you do keep on moving” Do have a ‘moving’ Week!

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